High PerformanceLEDDLC PremiumQuickShip (Up to 500)
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OFL-R-102-LED-1500L/3000L/4500L-DIM10-MVOLT-30K/40K/50K-NFL/FL-BZ – Up to 500
OFL-R-102-LED-1500L/3000L/4500L-DIM10-MVOLT-30K/40K/50K-NFL/FL-WH – Up to 250

Dynamic Platforms and Technologies:

High Performance

High Performance

The Oracle LED floodlight is designed to deliver high performance and efficiency for different applications such as facade, wall washing, landscape lighting, bill board lighting and building lighting

Downloadable Files:

Spec Sheets

OFL-R-102-LED-ML-CCT High Performance

IES Files

OFL-R-102-LED-ML-CCT High Performance

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