High PerformanceLEDDLC PremiumQuickShip (Up to 250)
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OAL-303-LED-29000L/34000L/42000L-DIM10-MVOLT-30K/40K/50K-T3D-BZ – Up to 250
OAL-303-LED-29000L/34000L/42000L-DIM10-MVOLT-30K/40K/50K-T3D-WH – Up to 100

Dynamic Platforms and Technologies:

High Performance

High Performance

OAL-303-LED is easy to install and operate and has an instant start with zero flickering and humming. Choose to be eco-friendly with this fixture that consists of no mercury and is energy saving with a long lifespan. The soft and uniform light it emits has no UV or IR and is great for outdoor applications such as sports fields, stadiums, and gymnasiums as well as warehouses and transport stations.

Downloadable Files:

Spec Sheets

OAL-303-LED-ML-CCT High Performance

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