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SKU: 7064e280b569
Categories: groove, groove surface ceiling mount, Interior Lighting, single circuit track and accessories, surface ceiling mount, suspended mount, suspended mount with uplight
Tags: FG-CM-SM-ACC-6, FGCMSMACC6, groove, Groove Surface Ceiling Mount, GrooveSurfaceCeilingMount, Indoor, Indoor Lighting, IndoorLighting, Interior Lighting, InteriorLighting, Single Circuit Track and Accessories, SingleCircuitTrackandAccessories, Surface/Ceiling Mount, Surface/CeilingMount, Suspended Mount, Suspended Mount with Uplight, SuspendedMount, SuspendedMountwithUplight
“X” Form Track Connector, for Flat Plane
Dynamic Platforms and Technologies:
Groove 48V DC track system, “X” Form Track Connector, for Flat Plane