LEDQuickShip (Up to 250)

ELM-LED-860-B – Up to 100
ELM-LED-860-W – Up to 250

Dynamic Platforms and Technologies:

This damp location LED emergency light is resistant to corrosive atmospheres, non-hazardous dust environments. High-output LED lamps are used as part of a new lamp-head design. A full range of manual adjustment is made possible by the swivel-and-point lamp-head design. If AC power is lost, the fixture provides at least 90 minutes of illumination and will automatically recharge after discharge. The operation of the product can easily be monitored and controlled with the use of a conveniently located test switch that indicates charge and diagnostic state. LED and PC circuits have a rating of about 25 years without a drop in illumination.

Downloadable Files:

Spec Sheets

ELM-LED-860 High Performance

IES Files

ELM-LED-860 High Performance

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