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SKU: 8ee89870e91a
Categories: 120V, 277V, dealerserviceareaexit, dealershoroomexit, emergency lights, Exit & Emergency Lighting, gasstationconveniencestoreexit, groceryaislesexit, healthcareemergencyexit, healthcarehospitalexit, healthcaremedicalexit, healthcareurgentexit, hospitalityeventexit, hospitalitylobbiesexit, hospitalityrecreationalexit, hospitalityrestaurantexit, hospitalityspaexit, Interior Lighting, Maxilume, Wet Location
Tags: 120V, 277V, ELM-LED-824, ELMLED824, Emergency Lights, EmergencyLights, Exit-Emergency Lighting, ExitEmergencyLighting, Indoor, Indoor Lighting, IndoorLighting, Interior Lighting, InteriorLighting, Maxilume, Wet Location, WetLocation
LED Emergency Light
Dynamic Platforms and Technologies:
LED Emergency Light