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SKU: e26fdfe34556
Categories: 120V, 277V, dealerserviceareaexit, dealershoroomexit, emergency lights, Exit & Emergency Lighting, gasstationconveniencestoreexit, groceryaislesexit, healthcareemergencyexit, healthcarehospitalexit, healthcaremedicalexit, healthcareurgentexit, hospitalityeventexit, hospitalitylobbiesexit, hospitalityrecreationalexit, hospitalityrestaurantexit, hospitalityspaexit, Interior Lighting, labdataexit, labofficeexit, Maxilume, retailexit, schoolbreakroomexit, schoolcafeteriaexit, schoolgymexit, schoolhallwayexit, schoollibraryexit, schoolofficeexit, schoolrestroomexit, warehouseexit, warehousemanufacturingexit, Wet Location
Tags: 120V, 277V, ELM-LED-822, ELMLED822, Emergency Lights, EmergencyLights, Exit-Emergency Lighting, ExitEmergencyLighting, Indoor, Indoor Lighting, IndoorLighting, Interior Lighting, InteriorLighting, Maxilume, Wet Location, WetLocation

LED Emergency Light

Dynamic Platforms and Technologies:
LED Emergency Light
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- Voltage: 12
- Max. Run: 16 Ft
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