Distributor Event Planning and Marketing Request Form
Agency Partner Name:
Person(s) Who Will Be Exhibiting or Attending the Event on Behalf of Elite:
Phone Number:
Your email
Name of Distributor:
Location / Address:
Event Type (Lunch and Learn, Counter Day, Product Showcase, etc.):
Event Date:
Event Event-time:
Is this an Elite exclusive event or will there be other exhibitors?: Elite exclusive eventOther distributors
Is this a virtual or in-person event? Virtual EvnetIn-person Event
Approximate number of attendees:
Sponsorship amount requested:
List of samples requested:
By when do samples need to arrive?
Where do we ship the samples? Including ATTN.
Are other materials required, such as tablecloths, banners, other marketing materials?
Do you require any giveaways? Quantity? (T-shirts, backpacks, etc.):